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Office: 2788 San Tomas Expressway, Santa Clara, California
Kamyar's research interest is mainly in the area of Machine Learning, from theory to practice. He works on topics including but not limited to ML on function spaces, Reinforcement Learning (Bandits to MPDs, POMDPs, etc), Applied Mathematics, Deep Learning, Neural Operators, Control Theory, Spectral Method, Optimization, High Dimensional Statistics, Risk Assessment, Online learning, Domain Shift, Active Learning, Safety, Adversarial Attacks, and Generative models through both learning theory and core scientific lenses.
Before his postdoctoral position, he was appointed as a special student researcher at Caltech. He is also a former visiting student researcher at Caltech. Kamyar Azizzadenesheli is a former visiting student researcher at Stanford University, and a researcher at Simons Institute, UC. Berkeley. In addition, he is a former guest researcher at INRIA France (SequeL team), as well as a visitor at Microsoft Research Lab, New England, and New York. He received his Ph.D. at the University of California, Irvine.